Monday, 11 December 2017

Life Lesson # 279 Don't Tick Off Bees

You see, Boys and Girls...

This is why your parents say, "Don't Tick Off Bees.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Life Lesson # 9 - Don't Play In or Near Pools During Thunderstorms

You see, Kiddies, This is why Mommy and Daddy always tell you to stay inside during thunderstorms and to not play in the pool. Water Conducts Electricity

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Life Lesson # 8 - Don't Inhale While Eating: You Might Choke

Your lungs can't digest food

Thank you to Pary for bringing up this important point.

Corollary: Don't Inhale while drinking might drown.

Life Lesson # 7 - If You're A New Parent; Don't Assume You'll Get Sleep.

Trust me... YOU WON'T

Life Lesson # 6 - No Stroller Works Well in Snow

No Stroller ever works in snow.

Thank you for bringing this up: CravenLestat

Life Lesson # 5 "If Someone Tells You Don't Call...Don't Call Ever..."

If someone tells you to "Never call my house again", Never ever call...EVER

Especially if they're married...

Life Lesson #4 - Being Poor Sucks; Be Stinkin' Rich Instead.

Life Lesson # 3 - 9 Times Out of 10 the Person You're Crushing On IS Dating Someone Else.

Life Lesson # 2 Don't Mess Around With Fire Either.

You were warned.

Life Lesson # 1 - Never, Ever Mess Around With Electricity (Especially Near Water)

You hear me, kids? And don't stick forks/knifes in electrical sockets either.

Life Lessons From Nikkei Simmer's Sims

Ah, Sims 3 is essentially a microcosm of life. And as such, you can learn a few good lessons from the long as they're upright and not setting fire to themselves.